

File Handling – PHP Advanced

File Handling is the most important part of web application. For different task you need to open and process a file.


File Create – PHP Advanced

fopen( ) function is also used to create a file. In PHP, by same function to open file, a file is also created using that...


File Upload – PHP Advanced

It’s easy to upload your files to server but with ease it comes danger so be careful when allowing file uploads.


Cookie – PHP Advanced

Its a small file that server insert on user’s computer. When the same computer requests a page with a browser, it will send cookie...


Session – PHP Advanced

It is a way to store data for users against a session ID. Web Server has no idea who you are, has no idea whether you are logged in...


Date And Time – PHP Basics

Date And Time – PHP Basics


Loops – PHP Basics

Loops – PHP Basics


If..Else..ElseIf, Switch Statements – PHP Basics

If…Else..ElseIf Statement is used when you want to perform different conditions in a program.

How To ?

Convert PHP object to associative array

During PHP development, you may never come across the need for this functionality, but its an extremely good piece of knowledge to...


Form Validation – PHP Basics

Here, In this simple form validation “Name”, “E-mail”, “Subject”, “Feedback” and “Gender” fields are required. These fields cannot...

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