Student feedback system Free Download

Student Feedback System for college students have been developed which aims to rate and analyse the college faculty’s performance.
This type of Student Feedback system reduces, the strenuous work of physically examining the feedback pages of each and every student.
The system also reduces the burden of efforts and burden of keeping and maintaining the records on a manual base, it requires a lot of space and safety to keep up such records.
Also the students feedbacks can be tempered for wrong reasons in case of paper based feedbacks wherein the SFS will always ensure safety of feedbacks privacy.
Another important features of the SFS is that physical presence of neither the admin nor the student is required for the either giving the feedback nor for assessing the feedback.
Also further enhancement can be done and more features can be added for better retrieval of the feedback details.
System Actors(Users)
- Admin
- Faculty
- Student
Admin Features
- Admin Login
- Admin can add new faculty
- Admin can View faculty list
- Admin can Update faculty data
- Admin can Delete faculty
- Admin can Manage Student
- Admin can Check feedback given by student
- Admin can check average feedback for faculty
- Admin can update the contact details dynamically
- Admin can update password
Faculty Features
- Faculty can login
- Faculty can update their profile
- Faculty can update Password
- Faculty can Check feedback given by students
- Faculty can check average feedback given by students
- Logout
Student Features
- Student can Register
- Student can Login
- Student can view profile
- Student can update profile
- Student can update Password
- Student can choose faculty and give feedback for every Questions
Software Requirements
- XAMPP server
- Language Used
- Front End : HTML 5 ,BOOTSTRAP
- Server Language : PHP 5.5
- Backe End : MYSQL
How to run Project
1. Download and Unzip file on your local system copy “Online_feedback” .
2. Put Online_feedback folder inside root directory(xampp/htdocs)
Database Configuration
Open phpmyadmin
Create Database “feedback_system”
Import database feedback_system.sql (available inside database package)
For Admin Panel
Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/Online_feedback/admin”
Login Details for admin :
click here and download the project source code :
Contact : (OR) / +91 87784 09644 (OR) +91 93443 88665